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I dont know if yall going to like this but guess what I dont care so peace out

You were walking to your last class at university when you felt your phone vibrate in your hand. You looked down at it as you continued walking, 'I'll be at the gates when you leave - B.I'. It from your boyfriend, Hanbin who often met you to walk you home after you finished your last class whilst he was on a break from practicing. You told him ok and slipped your phone into your bag as you rushed into your class hall. You had a lot of work and deadlines recently, you were tired and exhausted but you couldn't skip your class, and you were also hiding it from Hanbin since you didn't want him to worry.

Your class finished and you wandered out with your head down. You were drained, you were tired and today you had a lot of classes so you didn't want to do anything else. You carefully wandered out and glanced up to find b.i leant against the gates of the university entrance. You walked down a couple of steps and got to the bottom but you lost your footing. You folders flew up in the air and then fell back down with you. You whined slightly and someone came rushing over. "(Your name)-ah! (Your name)-ah!" One of the boys in your class called out to you as he began to help you up. You looked up and Hanbin had also walked across. He looked at the boy in your class and glared at him. He stuttered, "I'm glad your ok (Your name-ah..." He stuttered as he left you with Hanbin.

Hanbin picked up your folders and bag, then helped you up with his spare hand. "Who was that guy?" He asked you. You shrugged, "Just a guy in my class." You told him. He nodded and gave you a slight smile but then looked at you closely. "You're tired aren't you? Yah! I thought I told you if you were having a hard time with your work to tell me!" Hanbin whined to you as he frowned. You bowed your head and pulled a face as you looked at the floor. "I said I would help you so you don't get stressed!" He whined again. He sighed but then pulled you into a tight hug. "I'm sorry. I'm just worried." He whispered in your ear

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